Online Readings
Sometimes it feels difficult to access our own inner wisdom. A reading can provide clarity and insight into the energy, patterns and belief systems that are shaping your life's issues.
How it works
As a spirit in a body, you hold information in your system as energy. When you know how your energy is influencing your current behavior, decisions and lifestyles, you will be able to make more conscious choices.
What is the benefit?
In a reading, you gain insight into how beliefs and past experiences (including past lives) influence your life in present time. You begin to understand why your life is the way that it is, and with understanding comes the ability to consciously create change. Each reading includes an energetic healing, which helps to restore balance and flow to your body, mind, and spirit.
Online Readings by Appointment
Sunday: 10:30 am Pacific Time.
Tuesday: 7:30 pm Pacific Time.
Wednesday: 7:30 pm Pacific Time.
Thursday: 10:30 am & 7:30 pm Pacific Time.
Friday: 2:00 pm Pacific Time.
Call (415) 643-8800 or email to make an appointment for your reading.
To attend your reading via Zoom:
At your appointed reading time, click on this link:
or open the Zoom app, click "Join a Meeting" and then enter Meeting ID: 415 643 8804.
Student Readings
Students in our clairvoyant training program are being trained in the process of clairvoyance, or to “see energy clearly”, such as an aura, mental image pictures, spirit guides, etc.
In a student reading, these students will read your energy. The readers can look at your energetic body in much the same way as you read a book, except the information is in the form of pictures. In the second half of the reading, you can ask up to 3 questions, or state 3 issues that you would like them to look at. A healing will be done to complete the process.
Payment | $70
If you have not submitted a Registration form before, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.
Specialty Readings
There are two main differences between a student reading and a specialty reading. One difference is that the main reader will be a graduate of the Clairvoyant Training program, and thus has more experience. The second difference is that the reading will focus on a topic of your choice, such as:
- General This is a general reading performed by a graduate of the Clairvoyant Program.
- Male or female Are you comfortable with yourself as a male or female? Is your information about who you are as a male or a female your own, or someone else's? This reading will answer those types of questions.
- Money Look at where you are on your path in relationship to money. Your ability to create and/or have money is directly connected to your beliefs about the physical plane.
- Health Everything begins on an energetic level, even our health issues. Look at the patterns and beliefs that may be affecting you physically.
- Relationship Do you have communication or trust issues in a relationship? What is your agreement or contract between you and the other person as Spirit? Look at the origins of some of your relationship issues and why they persist.
- Career Perhaps you need some clarity on the direction of your career. The readers will look at information all the way from the time you were a child until the present in terms of how it relates to your path.
- Business Questions or concerns about your business? The readers will look at your mission statement, your vision for your business, plus lots more.
- Animal Animals are spirits in bodies, too, and they operate off of their issues just as we humans do! We are happy to read about the patterns of your pet and/or do some healing with a health issue.
- House Sometimes a house, apartment or building needs a reading! Maybe the previous owner or renter has not left on a spiritual level, but you would like to have the house for yourself! Perhaps there is some energy that needs to be cleared out. Whatever it is, we can read it, too, and update the energy there.
- Spiritual Are your life choices in affinity with the lessons you are here to learn? Find out more about your spiritual path and what it means in your life.
Payment | $80
Staff Readings
These readings may not follow a standard format and are appropriate when you desire a more private environment with a highly skilled professional. All of our staff readers have years of experience, training, and the highest standards of integrity.
Payment | $200
Registration Form