November, 2020

Thank goodness the election is over! It was so fun watching all the people dancing, singing and shouting in the streets all over the country and all of the world. So many people cried, others released a lot of anxiety, and other slept really well for the first time in months. We can be grateful that the waiting and tension about it is over, and also for the outcome.

When do you usually feel thankful or grateful?

Most of us feel thankful or grateful when we feel we have something to be grateful for – such as the sun, a gift, a favor, a raise, a child. Or when someone does something for us, we feel appreciative.

A lot of religions teach that we should be grateful to God and thank God for all our blessings. That’s good and great for us to be grateful and feel blessed. But what does feeling thankful or grateful do for you? Are things different when you are grateful?

To bless: to confer prosperity upon.

You’ll notice that feeling grateful or blessed is like a state of awareness. This state of gratefulness or of grateful awareness keeps you in tune with the universe, it keeps you in affinity with the planet and with the flow of energy. It actually allows energy to flow where it would not otherwise flow, and to flow more smoothly.

You’ll notice that when you have a state of gratefulness, you don’t need something to be grateful for. You are simply in a state of gratefulness and your grateful state become in itself a space which causes things to happen.

Being in a state of gratefulness means being grateful even when things seem to be terrible, like for most of this year. We’ve had covid and having to shelter in place for months, there’s been all the election confusion and turbulence, plus the effects of an erratic and disturbing President, plus the effect the downturn in the economy has had on all of us. You might even have lost your job.

But even when things are “ordinary”, there are times when you had a car accident, or you’re sitting in traffic, your car got broken into, your finances are terrible, your relationship isn’t going well, there’s bad weather, etc. You don’t have the energy level for healing or change when you’re in resistance or anger or invalidation when those things are going on.

What energy level do you have when you’re grateful? What’s the difference?

Plato said, “A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things.”

November is the month of Thanksgiving, or the season of “giving thanks”. “Giving thanks” is a wonderful energy level. Give thanks for something that you’d really like to give thanks for and see what energy level is there.

You’ll notice lots of levels to giving thanks, and to gratefulness. There’s validation – validation for what you have had, for what you do have, and for what you will have. Then there’s permission – when you give thanks, there’s lots of permission for everyone in that space, including you. It’s also acceptance. You have permission to be who you are when you give thanks or when you’re grateful, as does anyone else involved.

There’s abundance – you have received something that you’re giving thanks for, or you’re “in” abundance and attracting abundance to you. Abundance doesn’t just mean material things like money, there are many kinds of abundance. Then, of course, there’s receiving, or havingness – you’ve allowed yourself to have or receive something. Gratefulness also allows you to be in the present and out of anxiety.

That’s a lot! Give thanks again, and recognize all the different aspects that are there that you’re a part of.

Like Attracts Like

When you remember that the law of the universe if “like attracts like”, you can readily see how wonderful “giving thanks” or gratefulness is. We attract to us all that giving thanks represents. That’s very powerful.

I Thessalonians 5:16-18 talks about this: “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you…” It says to give thanks in all circumstances, not only for certain circumstances.

Give thanks for something that you would not normally be giving thanks for.
Let yourself feel grateful for something that you don’t normally feel grateful for.

So despite your challenges or problems, or even because of them, your need is to get yourself re-centered in your awareness of gratefulness and thankfulness. You can be grateful from your space, as well as for something. This centers you in affinity with yourself, with your God, with the universe, with whatever is happening.

Say hello to your gratefulness.
Say hello to the state of being blessed.
Feel grateful. Let thanksgiving flood your being with its healing.
Let your gratefulness bless your life.

As always, thanks for supporting Psychic Horizons & the Church of Natural Grace with your sustainable giving! It truly makes a difference, both for us and for you.

Best regards,
Rev. Laura Hopper

Categories: Thankfulness