May, 2021
My apologies that I haven’t done a blog for a few months. I was out getting a hip replacement, then recovery, and very busy when I got back. Now I am doing really well, and happy to be moving around freely.
So begin by saying hello to being in the center of your head, to being grounded, and acknowledge the presence of the God of your Heart.
This past year has been a hell of a year
This past year has been a hell of a year. It has been a dark year, a chaotic year, a year with much sickness and death, a year of being shut in, and of economic hardship. It seems that in terms of change, it’s been winter, where there is darkness.
But fortunately not all darkness is terrifying. We humans gestate and are created in darkness. New darkness creates life, such as seeds planted in the ground. Those seeds of life require darkness to survive.
And then spring came
And then spring came. It’s much lighter now on into the evening. The magnolia tree in front of our house has bloomed with bright pink flowers, and it’s gorgeous. The vaccine has arrived, and many of us are fully vaccinated. There is light now that we can see. People are celebrating. Valencia Street had a big celebration Friday night, with new lights along the street, music, food and dancing.
There has been and will continue to be so much change in our lives and in our culture. Things will not be the same as when the pandemic started. But change is the one constant in all of our lives, and in this case it’s been extreme change.
It might seem like a contradiction to say that change is a constant, but when you think about it, you realize that it’s true everywhere. It’s true with the planet, it’s true in the society, it’s true with our friends, and it’s true with us. Running energy is constant change, because it’s running, moving, flowing, not stopped or stagnant. That’s because the nature of energy is to move and to flow, and we too are made up of energy.
…the movement of energy is who we are
Because we are made up of energy, as is everything, that means that the movement of energy is who we are. Movement, flow, change. Say hello to you as constantly moving and changing.
Even your cells are changing all the time, and so is how you look. Politics and politicians change, and this year there’s been a big change in our politics. Entire countries are changing the very nature of who they are; wars come and go; there are conflicts and arguments and reconciliations and forgiving. You as spirit are evolving, meaning changing and moving forward.
I don’t know of anyone who isn’t changing, facing challenges these days. People are changing their living situations, their relationships or the nature of their relationships, jobs. People have health challenges, and change as a result. We clean house, have garage sales, rearrange things, have kids, have kids move out of the house, buy a car, sell a car, throw things away. Our parents die. Even our assumptions about life and core belief systems change. All of that is a reflection of us, it’s a part of our creativity.
What changes are you going through right now?
In times of change, such as now, it’s important that we stay within ourselves, within our centeredness. Ask yourself if you are doing that.
In the midst of all of this, we have anchors. We have a favorite beach, a favorite restaurant, a favorite TV show, a favorite friend. We have the center of our head, our grounding, our boundaries. We can rely on our anchors, and we can teach ourselves how to use our anchors more effectively.
One anchor is the laws of the universe. Some people call them God’s law. We can always rely on those laws. We talk about some of these laws in our Creed.
One of these anchors is God. God is always there. No matter what stress or turmoil we are going through, there is always something hidden in our inner being that is never violated, which is the God within, the voice of God. Say hello to the voice of God within, the god of your heart.
David wrote a lot about the laws of the universe in the Psalms. In fact, many people use various Psalms as one of their anchors. Psalms 19: 7-10, paraphrased
The law of the Lord is perfect
it revives the soul
It is trustworthy,
makes wise the simple
These precepts
gives joy to the heart
gives light to the eyes
They are more precious than gold
In keeping God’s laws there is great reward
Say hello to that and let it ground you.
Another law of the universe is that every spirit has the right to be free. This is also a part of our inherent nature – to express ourselves in terms of our innate freedom.
Understanding the laws of the universe helps us to be free-er
Understanding the laws of the universe helps us to be free-er. The universe does not play favorites, although we like to think it does. We like to think that bad things don’t happen to good people, for example. But really the universe is like an artist, who knows that when certain colors are mixed together, certain other colors will be created. It doesn’t matter who does the mixing.
One passage in the Bible (Revelations 22:17) says, “Whoever is thirsty, let them come; and whoever wishes, let them take the free gift of the water of life.”
We did not create the laws of the universe, but they exist and they function whether we know about them or not. But we can discover what they are and learn to function in harmony with those laws. This is a form of grounding.
One of the laws of the universe is like attracts like. Through this law we know that our pictures, our beliefs, determine how free we are.
When we meditate and say hello to ourselves and to the God within, we can let go of some of the old pictures and beliefs which prevent us from being free. We can rely on the fact that as we change within, there will be change without.
We know that if we have fear within, there will be fear without. If we feel that we are victims, we will find ourselves a victim of our circumstances. If we have inner peace within, we will have peace without.
This is something we can be certain about and have faith in.
I’m sure you’ve often wondered why God let certain things happen to people, or why did God let _____________happen to me?
But God and the laws of the universe are not partial. God does not give to some and take away from others. It is all according to the same laws. That is our faith, our certainty. When we can accept that, we can accept ourselves for who we are and how our lives have manifested, for our lives are the way they are based on our pictures and beliefs.
Through that self acceptance we can move forward, even if it’s scary, because we know our nature is movement and flow and change. As we go through our changes, we can be certain of the constant present of God and of the laws of the universe within which we operate.
I’ll finish with this passage from II Corinthians 3:17-18:
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect God’s glory, are being transformed into his and her likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from God, who is Spirit.
Re-center yourself, and reground, and be present with yourself.
As always, thanks for supporting Psychic Horizons & the Church of Natural Grace with your sustainable giving! It truly makes a difference, both for us and for you.
Best regards,
Rev. Laura Hopper