November, 2024
On Tuesday, Nov 5, we had an election. There was already a lot of anxiety prior to the election, given the hatefulness and disinformation and concern about what could happen. Then, after the election, it seemed to get even worse. That Wednesday we were out walking the dog and everyone we came across wanted to talk about it, and to somehow feel consoled around other people.
A friend called and said, come over to dinner, we need to be with friends. So we went over to our friends’ house and some of the time we talked about current events, sometimes we talked about inconsequential things, and sometimes we laughed and just ate. But they were really happy to have us there.
One of the things the husband said was, I just want to remember the joy in my life, my friends, the things about daily living that I do, playing with my dog. That’s something that a lot of people are thinking.
In the midst of any angst we may be feeling, we have anchors. We have a favorite beach, a favorite restaurant, a favorite TV show, friends. We have the center of our head, our grounding, our boundaries. We can rely on our anchors, and we can teach ourselves how to use our anchors more effectively.
One of these anchors is God within.
God is always there. No matter what stress or turmoil we are going through, there is always something in our inner being that is never violated, which is the God within, the voice of God. Say hello to the voice of God within, the god of your heart.
God within is like the light within. We receive a Daily Inspiration from Unity Church, and this week it said:
When I enter a darkened room and flip a light switch, the light touches every corner of the room. I am now able to see clearly, find my way, and discern one item from another.
Just as light dispels darkness, illuminating that which had been unseen, the divine within illuminates me and informs my wisdom. This inner light helps me find my way.
Say hello to that and let it ground you. When we ground with our grounding cord to the center of the planet, we bring who are as spirit, as the God Within, into our body. We can say hello to this illumination and let it light our way.
In times like these, it’s easy to match the energy of the media, or social media, or of the anxiety of others. We cannot afford to do that. We need to say hello to our energetic boundaries, with our auras around us, roses up, body of glass. We can clean out the anxiety of others from our space and ground it out or send it back to those it belongs to. We can get back into our own space and stay centered. We can own our space from within.
Fear is an insidious thing.
It creeps into your space, and begins to take over. You might find yourself having anxiety a lot. It’s like an emotional cancer, you know it’s there and don’t want it there, but there it is. It’s caused by a sense of impending danger in the future.
Separate your energy from the energy of fear or “impending doom”. Put up a rose and put the fear and “doom” into the rose then blow it up and get it out of your space. Take back your energy from the fear energy of the news. Re-set your own energy level to the level at which you would like to have it right now.
Bring your attention into the present. Notice your breathing, the breathing of the person next to you, the noises in the room, the noises outside. Notice how your body feels in the chair. Notice that everything is ok in here. Notice that, regardless of your situation, everything is ok with you right now.
We can still be aware of what’s happening in the world. We can be interested and informed, but we don’t need to bring the world into our space, or merge our energy with the events of the world. We can have our emotions and our reactions, our likes and dislikes, but still hold our space with who we are.
We can clean out our fears, our projections into what may or could happen, and get back to within ourselves. We cannot give up our seniority.
We can rely on the fact that as we change within, there will be change without.
We know that if we have fear within, there will be fear without. If we feel that we are victims, we will find ourselves a victim of our circumstances. If we have inner peace within, we will have peace without.
This is something we can be certain about and have faith in.
We are in uncertain times. We are in times where it is easy to be anxious, and to merge with people around us. But we know better. I am finding that those people who have learned the meditation and healing tools that we teach, and are actually practicing them, are very solid and confident in their space. It’s a great practice to have, and all of us can do that.
Say hello to the planet. Let yourself be intuitively aware of how the planet goes about its changes. Match the energy of the planet for a minute. Notice how solid the certainty of the planet is. The planet is here and accepting of what is happening. There is war, but the planet is flexible and forgiving. There is change, but the planet understands that movement, flow and change is the nature of itself.
In that sense, the planet is centered, the planet has certainty, the planet is in communication with itself, the planet is accepting of what it is. Say hello to that.
We all have that same centeredness, that same certainty, that same self communication that the planet does. We can even have that same self acceptance. We can understand that change is the natural way of the world, even if we don’t like it. We can also understand, as many spiritual disciplines understand, that change, even a sense of impending danger, also brings opportunity.
Say hello again to your communication with God. In II Corinthians 3:16-18, Paul talks about what it is like when we are in communication with who we are as spirit:
“But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is Spirit.”
Thank you for your ongoing support of Psychic Horizons / Church of Natural Grace! I, and all the staff teachers at Psychic Horizons, wish you happy winter holidays.
Best regards,
Rev. Laura Hopper