Step 3 Graduate Focus Workshops and Courses
For students who have completed Steps 1-3, we offer continuing Workshops and Classes. These help you explore and deepen your practice by helping you focus on special topics. Two-hour workshops and 7-week focus courses are available each session.
- Build community with other meditators.
- Keep current on the skills/knowledge gained in Steps 1-3
- Opportunity to use what you know on an individual basis, and have staff and group support
- Expands and deepens your skills by focusing on specific topics of interest
1-Day Workshop
Get That Energy Out of Your Space!
How to make effective separations.
Do you find yourself taking work home with you? The worries if not the actual work? Or do you find yourself carrying on a conversation in your head long after the other person has left?
When we carry another energy in our space, it keeps us connected to the event or person connected to that energy. Making separations can help you use your creative energy for you, rather than using it to solve work’s problems when you are not at work or continuing a conversation that was over long ago.
In this workshop we’ll review the basics of separations, look at what causes our separations to be less than successful, and more!
Teacher: Rev. Bruce Van Horn
Wednesday, Mar 05
7:30 - 9:30 pm Pacific
To attend the workshop via Zoom:
At classtime, click on this link:
or open the Zoom app, click "Join a Meeting" and then enter Meeting ID: 415 643 8806.
Note: The Step 3 Graduate course is always on this link. If you are looking for the current Step 3 Graduate course, please continue to use the link above.
7-Week course
Lead From the Heart
The heart is a beautiful space, full of love and compassion; however, it isn’t possible to extend those qualities or share them with others when the heart is closed. Old programming and past traumas can prevent you from feeling safe when opening your heart.
We will look at ways to remove some of the blocks to having an open heart by using the tools you’ve learned in the Step classes. How would your day to day change with an open heart? And what would your approach to life look like?
Instead of leading from the head (i.e. the analyzer) or from the emotions, we will practice leading from the heart. Imagine how different the world would be if more people were willing to do this.
Healing Clinic is included in this 7-week class.
Teacher: Rev. Bob Evans
Thursdays, Mar 13 to Apr 24
7:30 - 9:30 pm Pacific
To attend the course via Zoom:
At classtime, click on this link:
or open the Zoom app, click "Join a Meeting" and then enter Meeting ID: 415 643 8806.
Full Payment
$77 for 5 weeks
$385 ($375 plus $10 admin fee)
"I learned to stay in my own energy, independent from other peoples' emotional state. This is very important for me as a professional body worker and a wonderful tool in intimate relationships."
— G. Citroen, Body Worker/Artist, Mill Valley