Step 3 Graduate Focus Workshops and Courses

For students who have completed Steps 1-3, we offer continuing Workshops and Classes. These help you explore and deepen your practice by helping you focus on special topics. Two-hour workshops and 7-week focus courses are available each session.


  • Build community with other meditators.
  • Keep current on the skills/knowledge gained in Steps 1-3
  • Opportunity to use what you know on an individual basis, and have staff and group support
  • Expands and deepens your skills by focusing on specific topics of interest

Zoom apps:

1-Day Workshop

Bolster your Boundaries

In this workshop we will explore ways to have better boundaries, and work on removing challenges and beliefs that get in the way. Take back permission to take up space and not feel obligated to overextend yourself.
We will also look at how world news or politics can affect your ability to have boundaries. Just because things may seem crazy “out in the world” doesn’t mean you need to let crazy into your space. Call back your energy, set up your boundaries, and give yourself permission to live your life for you. Boundaries are a great way of expressing self love.

Teacher: Rev. Bob Evans

Wednesday, Apr 30
7:30 - 9:30 pm Pacific

To attend the workshop via Zoom:
At classtime, click on this link:
or open the Zoom app, click "Join a Meeting" and then enter Meeting ID: 415 643 8806.

Note: The Step 3 Graduate course is always on this link. If you are looking for the current Step 3 Graduate course, please continue to use the link above.



7-Week course

Live with Intention

In the rush of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly moves us. We fall into patterns, meeting expectations, seeking approval, and adapting to a rhythm that may not be our own. Yet, beneath the noise, our deepest intentions remain—the quiet force shaping our path, the creative energy behind every vision, and the seed from which our experiences grow.
When we align with our intentions and place them at the center of our lives, something shifts. The world responds in harmony. Opportunities emerge, synchronicities unfold, and life flows with clarity and purpose.
Join us for this 7-week journey of rediscovery—where reflection, intention, and conscious alignment create the space for renewal, transformation, and the life you are meant to lead.

Teacher: Rev. Maurizio Bronzetti

Saturdays, May 10 to Jun 21
10:30 am - 12:30 pm Pacific

To attend the course via Zoom:
At classtime, click on this link:
or open the Zoom app, click "Join a Meeting" and then enter Meeting ID: 415 643 8806.

Full Payment


$77 for 5 weeks
$385 ($375 plus $10 admin fee)


"I learned to stay in my own energy, independent from other peoples' emotional state. This is very important for me as a professional body worker and a wonderful tool in intimate relationships."

— G. Citroen, Body Worker/Artist, Mill Valley