September 2022

Many years ago — before I had been introduced to psychic work or energy work — I was sitting in my chair in my living space in Louisville, Kentucky, looking out the window. I was feeling very unhappy, which was not unusual for me. In fact, I was unhappy a lot of the time. I was unhappy that day because I was feeling un-included, as some other friends were getting together without me. My victim-o-meter was extremely high.

As I was sitting there, I realized I had a decision to make. I didn’t want to make this decision, because I knew it meant changing the approach I had taken with my life for as long as I could remember. My decision was: am I going to do something about this, or am I going to sit in my unhappy victimhood?

…am I going to do something about this, or am I going to sit in my unhappy victimhood?

I had never taken action before when I felt this way. I simply allowed myself to feel bad, sometimes for days on end, and then feel resentment and anger. I could feel sorry for myself, and angry at — whoever. Taking action meant I had to give up those feelings. Giving up those feelings meant giving up one of the cornerstones of my self- image.

I decided to take action. I called the house where my friends were gathering and let them know that I was coming over. It turned out that I was more than welcome — they hadn’t been able to reach me to let me know they were meeting! I went over, had a good time, and never even thought about how bad I had been feeling earlier.

What I discovered then, and continue to discover, is that happiness is a decision.

What I discovered then, and continue to discover, is that happiness is a decision. Many times we feel we can only be happy IF……(fill in the blank. IF I had a relationship, IF I made more money, IF my bills were paid, IF the weather were different…..) But actually there is no IF involved in our happiness.

We are happy because we choose to be. We have set our energy to be a happy person. Our circumstances may be dire, our relationships very problematical, and our financial situation miserable. So? Those are our circumstances, but they do not define who we are. We define who we are, and we set our own vibration.

We define who we are, and we set our own vibration.

Since that one occasion, I have had many situations in which I have felt deep deep grief, or been very afraid, or have had good reason to be upset. I keep discovering that same truth — I can be happy anyway. Especially if I stay in the present — a principle I did not know before.

Last Sunday in church I played a song named “It Don’t Worry Me”. We used to sing it as a choir in church when we were in person. It was written during the Depression in the 1930s, when circumstances were really bad for most people in the US, including some people committing suicide by jumping out of buildings, many in soup and bread lines for food, others living out of tents, most with little or no money. Some of the words in that song are:

The price of bread may worry some,
But it don’t worry me.
And tax relief may never come,
But it don’t worry me.
Economy’s depressed, not me,
My spirit’s high as it can be,
And you may say that I ain’t free,
But it don’t worry me.

This is a time of transition for a lot of us, including Psychic Horizons. This is definitely a time when we want to decide to be happy people. We can use our circumstances as our learning experiences, and take responsibility for being in those circumstances in the first place.

But we can also separate ourselves as people from those circumstances and set our energy wherever we choose.

As always, thanks for supporting Psychic Horizons & the Church of Natural Grace with your sustainable giving! It truly makes a difference, both for us and for you.

Best regards,
Rev. Laura Hopper

Categories: Happiness