June, 2022

I recently returned from a 3-week trip to Israel and Jordan. There were three of us on a private tour that my partner Katie and I had arranged with a travel agency we had used once before. There were supposed to be four of us, but our friend’s husband dropped out at the last minute.

I grew up in the Middle East, so the energy was one that I was used to. It was still very interesting being in places where there was so much history, so many civilizations, conflicts and identities. Grounding there meant going through layers and layers of old energy before reaching the center of the planet. I discovered that I could not get bogged down in all of those layers, I just had to see my grounding cord as passing through.

Our World is not a Static Place

It was a reminder that there is always a lot going on in the world, a lot of agents of change, and many energy shifts. Our world is not a static place, even though we sometimes wish it were. But if the world was not changing, how much opportunity would we have to be creative, and evolve as spiritual and human beings?

In Tel Aviv, we met with Natalie, who is a Psychic Horizons graduate. It was interesting to see how she is using what she learned here, along with her own spiritual information, to teach classes and workshops, not only in Israel but also all over Europe. She is taking her present time spiritual information and teaching in places where there is so much past time information and history. She needs to have a lot of clarity about her present, while living with and grounding through so much history.

I realized during the trip that we were not only doing a lot, but also getting a lot of information. We were getting information from our guide but also just from the energy around us. Early on I found that it was super important to clean out every day, not only from people around us (and there were a lot, many people traveling now), but also from the energy. There is so much information in all the energy we were walking through and looking at. It was difficult to process the information without cleaning out, and I’m still processing it. This is not even to mention past life information.

As on any trip, there were some blips, especially since tourism has been closed for two years. Israel had literally just opened up 3 weeks before we got there, so many places weren’t completely ready for us. But we didn’t let that affect us, we went with the flow and always kept our energy up.

During this time it’s important to meditate and clean out….

Before we left on the trip, it was clear that even as covid protocols were loosening up, it was still around. Now it seems quite contagious, and many people who are vaccinated are getting it. Some of our students and graduates from here have been sick, although most not too seriously.

During this time, just like during our trip, it’s important to meditate and clean out – such as cleaning out other people’s energy and considerations about what’s going on, so that it doesn’t affect us. But you also might want to clean out your own fear pictures or beliefs around illness or scarcity or whatever beliefs you have that might be causing your energy to drop. When your energy drops, you become more susceptible to the energy of others, and even to allowing your pictures to take over your space.

Your fears attract unwanted energy

It’s possible that you or I might get covid, as it seems that those who haven’t yet contracted it are vulnerable, but we don’t want to be in a fear picture about it. Those fears attract energy to us, unwanted energy. It’s important that we pay attention and process what’s coming up, so it doesn’t stick in our space and cause blockages or stuckness.

We can own our own space and keep ourselves spiritually healthy, which translates into our physical selves and overall well-being as well. That doesn’t mean surprises won’t happen, they do. But we can accept them while still handling our own energy.

As always, thanks for supporting Psychic Horizons & the Church of Natural Grace with your sustainable giving! It truly makes a difference, both for us and for you.

Best regards,
Rev. Laura Hopper

Categories: Present Time