January, 2024

Happy New Year!

I’ve heard so many people say to me, “Thank God 2023 is over!” It seems that it was a tough year for lots of folks. But then they’re not so sure 2024 is going to be any better.

I don’t set New Year’s resolutions, because in the past I’ve never kept them. If I set a new year’s resolution to lose weight, the first thing I think is, “Well, that’s not going to happen.” A friend just said to me the other day that a few years ago he joined a gym to become “svelte” again, but only went three times the first month and then stopped going altogether. That seems to be a common theme.

Other people have talked about the circumstances in the world and how it’s affecting them. One person I know decided to meditate on how to clean out her pictures about that so that she’s in charge of her life, not the circumstances around her. That’s a wonderful meditation to do.

Does your life depend on how the world around you is doing?

I don’t want to come from a picture that my life depends on how the world around me is doing. I want to come from my own energy level.

I set an energy level every year. It’s an intention, but I also set the vibration of that energy in my crown chakra, and then reinforce it every day. Some years it’s been “validation”, or “gratefulness”, or some other vibration.

This is not specific, but it’s an energy that I want to come from, and to attract. If I run “gratefulness”, for example, then I need to be grateful when I’m paying bills, or sitting in traffic, or having dinner. I get to practice that vibration at all times. Gratefulness is a vibration of havingness, not for something, but a way of being in life. It’s a vibration of grace and of a perspective on the world. It attracts like energy to it.

There are many wonderful vibrations to choose from.

You can pick any vibration you want. There are many wonderful vibrations to choose from. Even if your circumstances are difficult, or if there are unwanted changes coming about, there is a groundedness when you have a vibration that you feel is a state of awareness that you want, and perhaps creates warmth, and is yours.

Having a vibration that you feel good about allows you to feel good about yourself, and your vision, and even your challenges. It helps you to stay present, and to have something that you can rely on.

I would suggest that you sit in meditation and ask what vibration would be appropriate for you this year. It needs to be a vibration that is in tune with you now, not last year’s vibration. Ask yourself what vibration you want now.

I hope that your vibration allows you to be in affinity with the New Year!

Please let your friends, family, and neighbors know about Psychic Horizons and the power of meditation. And, as always, thanks for supporting Psychic Horizons & the Church of Natural Grace with your sustainable giving! It truly makes a difference, both for us and for you.

Best regards,

Rev. Laura Hopper

Categories: New Year